Centre de cercetare-dezvoltare
1. CE.R.I.R.
- CENTRO DI RICERCA ITALO - ROMENO Ce.R.I.R. (Centrul de cercetare Italo- Român)
2. Studii Europene
- Centrul de studii europene Agora
3. Centrul Euroregional de Prevenire si Combatere a Criminalitatii Transfrontaliere
5. Cercetare Dezvoltare Agora (CDA). CUI: 24747462
Proiecte în consorții
1. Proiect 2016 (partener 9) Erasmus+: MSc Energy Efficiency and Climate Change in the Built Environment for Ukrainian and Belarus Universities and Stakeholders
2. Proiect 2017 (partener 8) Erasmus+: Knowledge Alliance for Sustainable Smart Cities
Note. Our application received 73/100 points however given the available budget only applications with a score of 78/100 points and above could be selected for funding. We did not receive five points (6.4%) for the winning the grant: Evaluation; Letter.
Proiect PNIII-PRECISI2017 - Premierea rezultatelor cercetării – articole premiate din zona roșie
- Casian Butaci, Gabriela Bologa, Ioan Dzițac (PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI-2017-14620, poz. 385): PDF
- Elena-Ana Iancu, Ramona-Mihaela Urziceanu (PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI-2017-16761, poz. 1135): PDF
- Elena-Ana Iancu, all (PN-III-P1-1.1- PRECISI-2020- 49218, poz.115)
- Papers indexed in ISI WoS with affiliation to Agora Univ. (2006-2020): PDF
- Ioan Dzitac co-editor of ISI Proceedings (ITQM2015, ICCCC2016, ICCCC2018)
- Template for IJCCC: template.rar