9th Agora International Economical Conference - AIEC 2015
"Competitiveness and Performance in the EU Economy"
5-7 November 2015, Oradea, Romania
Founded by
Adriana Manolescu, M.-J. Manolescu and Gabriela Bologa , AGORA International Economical Conference ( AIEC)
Conference Chair of AIEC: PhD. Associate Professor Gabriela Bologa
Organized by
Agora University of Oradea, Economics Faculty, Social Sciences Department and The Romanian Association of Economics Faculties(AFER)

In collaboration with:
- Scientific Society of Management from Romania (SSMAR)
- Jean Monnet European Modules:
- The Free Movement of Persons inside E.U.
- Economic and Monetary Union.
- Information Centre “EUROPE DIRECT AGORA University”, Oradea, North-West
- Italian-Romanian Research Centre (CERIR)
Conference panels AIEC 2015:
- Panel 1: Management and leadership
- Panel 2: Marketing
- Panel 3: Business Administration and Economical – Financial Administration
- Panel 4: General Economy
In the conference program will be able to enroll research teams, teams of specialists from Romania and abroad with online interventions. For this purpose the organizers will provide appropriate technical equipment and conduct discussions via video conference.
Selected papers in extenso presented at AIEC 2015 will be published in AGORA International Journal of Economical Sciences (IJES), ISSN 2067 - 3310, E - ISSN 2067 - 7669, indexed in many international databases as: COPERNICUS, SOCOLAR.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline to the email address aiec@univagora.ro - September 30, 2015
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: October 15, 2015
The fee payment: October 30, 2015
Europe Direct Agora Oradea
Southeastern University, Florida
Universita degli Studi di Enna, Kore
Universita degli Studi del Molise, dep. S.U.S.S.
Societatea Stiintifica de Management din Romania
Modulele europene Jean Monnet
Centrul de Cercetare ITALO - ROMAN ; Centro di Ricerca ITALO - ROMENO
Camera de Comert si Industrie Bihor