Agora University of Oradea, established and accredited by Law no. 59/2012, identifies itself by the following elements: (From University’s Chart 2016 (PDF):
a) Official name: Agora University; b) Acronym: UAO; c) Headquarter: 8, Piața Tineretului, 410526, Oradea, Bihor, Romania; d) Motto: Access to Success!; e) The University’ Day: 17 March; f) Website:; g) Distinguished signs: the emblem (the sign in the header), the seal, the flag (the emblem of the University on white flag), ceremonial clothing: robe and toque.
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University Chart
The Charter of Agora University, developed based on Law 1/2011 - with subsequent amendments and completions in 2019 - and subsequent legislation is the fundamental document on which the Agora University in Oradea operates in the period 2020-2024. Agora University Charter was endorsed by the General Legal Directorate of the Ministery of Education in 2019.
The Mission
Objectives = (Mission):
Address (social headquarter and campus):
Piaţa Tineretului, nr. 8 (colţ cu str. Şcoalelor, Oglinzilor și Miron Costin - Cartier Velenţa),
410526 Oradea, jud. Bihor
Tel: +40 259 427 398, +40 259 472 513
Fax:+40 259 434 92, +40 359 101 032
How to reach the Campus:
8, Piaţa Tineretului (intersection with Miron Costin St., Scoalelor St., Oglinzilor St.)
GPS: Lat. N: 47.048938421830755, Long. E: 21.950868387444626