Deep recurrent neural networks distributed on a Hadoop/Spark cluster for fall detection
Deep recurrent neural networks for fall detection
big data, collaborative filtering, deep neural network, recommendation system.Abstract
Falls detection approaches struggle with both Big Data scalability and upholding individual privacy, this research work proposed a novel approach for posture recognition followed by fall detection, taking advantage of the synergy between Random Forests and Uniform Local Binary Patterns (uLBP) histograms for an accurate and fast posture identification while respecting privacy. Additionally, it referred to deep recurrent neural networks distributed on a Hadoop and Spark platform for time series analysis in fall detection. This combination of methods allowed us to achieve acceptable real-time monitoring precision. This study, therefore addressed two objectives simultaneously: efficiency and scalability in posture recognition using Random Forests and uLBP, and fall detection relying on the recurrent neural network (RNN) for time series processing. The suggested solution is designed for home telemonitoring, where scalability and effective data management are supported through Hadoop/Spark. The integration of these technologies promotes reliable detection without any privacy violation, paving the way for a wider adoption of home monitoring systems for an increasing population of dependent individuals.
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